Understand What S*X Means - Welcome loonnews


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Understand What S*X Means

It is of two main category "Male and Female" in which we humans and most other living things and organisms are divided on the basis of our reproductive functions through fushions of garments either the male or female garment. In as much as i known the matured ones  around us have understand how it is, i still wants to clear some young guys and girls coming up who are confuse of what it actually means. written by: LovePastor

Stop making a man feel superior and you lesser after sexual intercourse. Sex is a mutual agreement between two individuals you had fun and he did it two, both of you agreed to sleep, kiss, touch each other, after all you will start nagging that he cheated on you? How to get Divorce in your Relationships

Why are you making it look like one person is been cheated on the luxury emotions and actions that took places, sex doesnt satisfy a man ones they need it they are done with you, sex doesn't guarantee a man to be yours or  leaving you tomorrow is just a big deal one day actions and it over between both parties except he or she need another round when ever the emotions or errections arises. Making Time for you and Your Spouse.

For crying out loud, you both f*ucked each other well, satisfy you well, you both used each other and you both can still as well dump each other, if you so wish to or continue and keep coming around for more. No body in the game cheat each other it is an agreement between both of you.

Please ladies do wake up and stop making men feel that their ability to see through a lady's two wide legs is what makes them to stand up like a real man and a winner of legs users on the street anywhere else.

Have fun with him if you want, enjoy yourself and don't ever attached your heart on it. And to you men that still think like Goat in this contemporary world, while you are still bragging of how many girls you have used and dumped.  HIV is real Some Advice for Men .Do you think about your sister or the future wife you are about to get married to do you known the UN-counter journey of men that have used her

Make used of your head think wise, love others as you love yourself, love always lies in ones heart don't force him/her to love you because you are wasting your time. I Remained: LovePastor

"Quote for you: Every-man and woman has he's owned partner, like every sickness has it;s owned drugs"

Don't mistake when you see your partner.

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