7 Types Of Women Who Would Likely Cheat On Their Partners. Are You The One? - Welcome loonnews


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7 Types Of Women Who Would Likely Cheat On Their Partners. Are You The One?

If she has a number of close male friends, and a significantly higher libido than yours, she might be tempted to cheat. How then does one spot a cheating partner, or the one most likely to cheat? 

There is clearly no definitive trick to achieving this, and it could actually be as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack. A recent post published here explains the types of men who will probably cheat on their partners and try to get emotional/$exual satisfaction from other women. So in this post we examine the types of women who are likely to cheat on their boyfriends/husbands [For the sake of balance and equity. 

Sorry if LovePastor is Spoiling things

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1. She’s been cheated on

In an article we published a while back, people were said to sometimes cheat in revenge.

This happens when a woman has been cheated on, and instead of leaving the relationship or communicating her annoyance at her partner’s indiscretion, she chooses to sleep with another person or other people in revenge. You Cant Copy any of my Posts

2. She once cheated and got away with it

As the saying goes, “once a cheat, [maybe] always a cheat.”

3. A woman with friends who cheat

This is quite logical; show me your friends, and I might just be able to tell you the kind of person you are.

4. Attention seeker

This is split in two parts. First, a woman is likely to cheat if her partner is not as affectionate as he should be.

If her emotional needs have been neglected for too long, the craving for romance and romantic stuff could lead her into another man’s arms.

On the other hand, it is the need for too much affection and attention that leads some other women into cheating on their partners.

5. She has lots of close male friends

This is not categorically saying every woman with male friends will cheat. However, no matter how low or minute, the possibility is there that one thing might somehow, someday lead to another. Crazy Things Love Will Make You Do

Remember, they’re pretty close, and it doesn’t take a lot these days before ‘a shoulder to lie on’ becomes a ‘d–k to ride on.’

6. She has a high libido

Women who have significantly higher libidos than their partners are vulnerable to sexual frustration and it is clear to see why they might give in to the temptation of getting it from somewhere else.

7. Addicted to $ex

This is a rare medical case that increases one’s desire for sexual satisfaction beyond normal levels. [See the 2014 movie “Addicted” to learn more.]

A woman with this abnormality is prone to unfaithfulness for obvious reasons.

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