The Four Creative Séx Positions To Try Out With Bae Today - Welcome loonnews


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The Four Creative Séx Positions To Try Out With Bae Today

Raining season is slowly approaching, it is high time to get creative in the bedroom and sure with these creative s3x positions listed below, your s3x life will be adventurous as well as intriguing
So ditch the missionary style and try something new this rainy season.

1. The Laundry room romp: It’s time to move out of the bedroom and head to somewhere a little more offbeat, if you don’t have a laundry room then use the kitchen. Stand between her knees while she relaxes her body on something and moves her body forward as you enter her, depending on how tall you are, she might have to move further forwards you and make sure to caress her br3asts or stroke her thighs for added pleasure. “This position allows for especially deep penetration”.

2. The bunny squat: Apart from being a fun style to try with your partner, it also helps improve your fitness level as it tests your balance and tones your thighs. “Begin by having your partner kneel on the floor (depending on the surface, you might want to lay a towel or rug down to avoid carpet burn), you should face away from her whilst she straddles over your legs and lowers herself onto you as you enter her from behind, as she squats over you using her thigh muscles, alternate between a slow, steady and then speed up things”.

3. The lapdance: “For this position, you will need an armless chair and a bit of confidence, start seated on the chair as she moves closer towards you, you might want to be naked already or add in a strip tease to add even more s3xiness. Once naked have her straddle you as she lowers her body onto yours, remember in this position, she is completely in control as you sit back comfortably as she gives the show of your life!, this position is great as both of you are able to set the pace and be as creative as you want with your moves”.

4. The power thrust: “You don’t have to be a guru to perfect this position, but a degree of flexibility will definitely help, begin by having her lie on her back as you kneel down in front of her, have her wrap her legs around your waist as she lifts her bottom off the ground to allow you to enter her, you should support her lower back with your hands whilst you roll up your spine as you stand shoulder width apart”. “With the angle of your pelvis in this position, it should be perfect for hitting her G-spot and guaranteeing a great orgasm for the both of you, for an even more satisfying night, add a pleasure set to indulge in a night of endless pleasure”.

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